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Version: v6.4.0

Create an ICS chain with Spawn


MacOS + Ubuntu Setup

Getting Started

Note: This tutorial focuses on using the Spawn CLI to create an ICS consumer chain. For more complete documentation on Spawn, see the Spawn documentation.

In this tutorial, we'll create and interact with a new Interchain security enabled blockchain called "consumer", with the token denomination "uconsu".

  1. Install Spawn
# Install from latest source
git clone --depth 1 --branch v0.50.10

# Change to this directory
cd spawn

# Clear Go modules cache for a fresh install
go clean -modcache

# Install Spawn
make install

# Install Local Interchain (testnet runner)
make get-localic

# Install docker container builder
make get-heighliner

# Verify installations were successful



# If you get "command 'spawn' not found", run the following
# Linux / Windows / Some MacOS
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:$(go env GOPATH)/bin' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

# MacOS
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:$(go env GOPATH)/bin' >> ~/.zshrc
source ~/.zshrc

# Legacy MacOS Go
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/go/bin' >> ~/.zshrc
source ~/.zshrc

# Sometimes it can be good to also clear your cache
# especially WSL users
go clean -cache

  1. Create your chain using the spawn command and customize it to your needs!
GITHUB_USERNAME=<your github username>

spawn new consumer \
--consensus=interchain-security \
--bech32=consu \
--denom=uconsu \
--bin=consumerd \
--disabled=tokenfactory,ibc-packetforward,ibc-ratelimit,cosmwasm,wasm-light-client \

NOTE: spawn creates a ready to use repository complete with git and GitHub CI. It can be quickly pushed to a new repository getting you and your team up and running quickly.

  1. Spin up a local testnet for your chain
cd consumer

# Starts 2 networks for the IBC testnet at
# - Builds the docker image of your chain
# - Launches a testnet with IBC automatically connected and relayed
# Note: you can run a single node, non IBC testnet, with `make sh-testnet`.
make testnet
  1. Open a new terminal window and send a transaction on your new chain
# list the keys that have been provisioned with funds in genesis
consumerd keys list

# send a transaction from one account to another
consumerd tx bank send acc0 $(consumerd keys show acc1 -a) 1337uconsu --chain-id=localchain-1

# enter "y" to confirm the transaction
# then query your balances tfor proof the transaction executed successfully
consumerd q bank balances $(consumerd keys show acc1 -a)
  1. (optional) Send an IBC transaction
# submit a cross chain transfer from acc0 to the other address
consumerd tx ibc-transfer transfer transfer channel-0 cosmos1hj5fveer5cjtn4wd6wstzugjfdxzl0xpxvjjvr 7uconsu --from=acc0 --chain-id=localchain-1 --yes

# Query the other side to confirm it went through
sleep 10

# Interact with the other chain without having to install the cosmos binary
# - Endpoints found at: GET
local-ic interact localcosmos-1 query 'bank balances cosmos1hj5fveer5cjtn4wd6wstzugjfdxzl0xpxvjjvr' --api-endpoint=
  1. Push your new chain to a github repository
# Create a new repository on GitHub from the gh cli
gh repo create ics-consumer --source=. --remote=origin --push

You can also push it the old fashioned way with and git push origin main.

In this tutorial, we configured a new custom chain, launched a testnet for it, tested a simple token transfer, and confirmed it was successful. This tutorial demonstrates just how easy it is to create a brand new custom Cosmos-SDK blockchain from scratch, saving developers time.

Modify your chain

New module code is usually added in the x/ directory of your repository. Check out the Cosmos SDK documentation for more information on how to add modules to your chain.

Once you're ready you can preview your chain using the section below.

List your chain

You can list your chain on Forge, even if it's not finished, in the pre-launch stage.