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The ICS provider module enables a proof-of-stake chain (known as the provider chain) to share (parts of) its security with other chains (known as consumer chains). This basically mean that consumer chains can run as proof-of-stake chains using (parts of) the stake locked on the provider as collateral.

The provider module has the following functionalities:

  • The permissionless creation of consumer chains.
  • The customization of the consumer chains validator sets.
  • The option for validators to opt in to validate the consumer chains they want.
  • The distribution of rewards from consumer chains to the opted in validators.
  • The slashing and jailing of validators commiting infractions on consumer chains based on cryptographic evidence.


For clarity, the description of the the provider module state is split into features. For a more accurate description, check out the x/ccv/provider/types/keys.go file, which contains the definitions of all the keys.

Consumer Lifecycle


ConsumerId is the consumer ID of the next consumer chain to be created.

Format: byte(43) -> uint64


ConsumerIdToChainId is the chain ID of a given consumer chain.

Format: byte(44) | len(consumerId) | []byte(consumerId) -> string


ConsumerIdToOwnerAddress is the account address of the owner of a given consumer chain.

Format: byte(45) | len(consumerId) | []byte(consumerId) -> string


ConsumerIdToMetadataKey is the metadata of a given consumer chain.

Format: byte(46) | len(consumerId) | []byte(consumerId) -> ConsumerMetadata


ConsumerIdToPhase is the phase of a given consumer chain.

Format: byte(49) | len(consumerId) | []byte(consumerId) -> ConsumerPhase, where ConsumerPhase is defined as

enum ConsumerPhase {
option (gogoproto.goproto_enum_prefix) = false;

// UNSPECIFIED defines an empty phase.
// REGISTERED defines the phase in which a consumer chain has been assigned a unique consumer id.
// A chain in this phase cannot yet launch.
// INITIALIZED defines the phase in which a consumer chain has set all the needed parameters to launch but
// has not yet launched (e.g., because the `spawnTime` of the consumer chain has not yet been reached).
// LAUNCHED defines the phase in which a consumer chain is running and consuming a subset of the validator
// set of the provider.
// STOPPED defines the phase in which a previously-launched chain has stopped.
// DELETED defines the phase in which the state of a stopped chain has been deleted.


ConsumerIdToRemovalTime is the removal time of a given consumer chain in the stopped phase.

Format: byte(50) | len(consumerId) | []byte(consumerId) -> time.Time


SpawnTimeToConsumerIds are the IDs of initialized consumer chains ready to be launched at a timestamp ts.

Format: byte(51) | ts -> ConsumerIds, where ConsumerIds is defined as

message ConsumerIds { 
repeated string ids = 1;


RemovalTimeToConsumerIds are the IDs of stopped consumer chains ready to be removed at a timestamp ts.

Format: byte(52) | ts -> ConsumerIds, where ConsumerIds is defined as

Consumer Launch


ConsumerIdToInitializationParameters are the initialization parameters of a given consumer chain.

Format: byte(47) | len(consumerId) | []byte(consumerId) -> ConsumerInitializationParameters


ConsumerIdToChannelId is the ID of the CCV channel associated with a consumer chain.

Format: byte(5) | []byte(consumerId) -> string


ChannelIdToConsumerId is the consumer ID associated with a CCV channel.

Format: byte(6) | []byte(channelId) -> string


ConsumerIdToClientId is the ID of the client associated with a consumer chain. This is the underlying client of the corresponding CCV channel.

Format: byte(7) | []byte(consumerId) -> string


ClientIdToConsumerId is the consumer ID associated with an IBC client (i.e., the underlying client of the corresponding CCV channel).

Format: byte(53) | len(clientId) | []byte(clientId) -> string


ConsumerGenesis is the genesis state of the consumer module associated with a consumer chain.

Format: byte(14) | []byte(consumerId) -> ConsumerGenesisState

Key Assingment


TODO: ConsumerValidators and ConsumerValidator are too similar.

ConsumerValidators is the public key assigned by a given validator with addr as its provider consensus address (i.e., sdk.ConsAddress) on a given consumer chain.

Format: byte(22) | len(consumerId) | []byte(consumerId) | addr -> crypto.PublicKey, where crypto is "".


ValidatorsByConsumerAddr is the consensus address on the provider chain of a validator with addr as its consensus address on a given consumer chain.

Format: byte(23) | len(consumerId) | []byte(consumerId) | addr -> sdk.ConsAddress.


ConsumerAddrsToPruneV2 stores the list of consumer consensus addresses that can be prunned at a timestamp ts as they are no longer needed.

Format: byte(40) | len(consumerId) | []byte(consumerId) | ts -> AddressList, where AddressList is defined as

message AddressList { 
repeated bytes addresses = 1;

Power Shaping


ConsumerIdToPowerShapingParameters are the power-shaping parameters of a given consumer chain.

Format: byte(48) | len(consumerId) | []byte(consumerId) -> PowerShapingParameters


ConsumerValidator is the ConsensusValidator record of a provider validator on a given consumer chain, i.e.,

message ConsensusValidator {
// validator's consensus address on the provider chain
bytes provider_cons_addr = 1;
// voting power the validator has during this epoch
int64 power = 2;
// public key the validator uses on the consumer chain during this epoch
tendermint.crypto.PublicKey public_key = 3;
// height the validator had when it FIRST became a consumer validator
int64 join_height = 4;

Format: byte(31) | len(consumerId) | []byte(consumerId) | addr -> ConsensusValidator, with addr the validator's consensus address on the provider chain.


OptedIn is the list of provider validators that opted in to validate on a given consumer chain. Note that opting in doesn't guarantee a spot in the consumer validator set.

Format: byte(32) | len(consumerId) | []byte(consumerId) | addr -> []byte{}, with addr the validator's consensus address on the provider chain.


Allowlist is the list of provider validators that are eligible to validate a given consumer chain.

Format: byte(36) | len(consumerId) | []byte(consumerId) | addr -> []byte{}, with addr the validator's consensus address on the provider chain.


Denylist is the list of provider validators that are not eligible to validate a given consumer chain. Note that validator can opt in regardless of whether they are eligible or not.

Format: byte(37) | len(consumerId) | []byte(consumerId) | addr -> []byte{}, with addr the validator's consensus address on the provider chain.


MinimumPowerInTopN is the minimum voting power a provider validator must have to be required to validate a given TopN consumer chain.

Format: byte(40) | len(consumerId) | []byte(consumerId) -> uint64

Validator Set Updates


ValidatorSetUpdateId is an incrementing sequence number that is used as a unique identifier for validator set updates sent to the consumer chains. The validator set update ID is incremented every epoch.

Format: byte(2) -> uint64


PendingVSCs is the list of VSCPackets that are queued to be sent to a given consumer chain.

Format: byte(17) | []byte(consumerId) -> ValidatorSetChangePackets, where ValidatorSetChangePackets is defined as

message ValidatorSetChangePackets {
repeated ValidatorSetChangePacketData list = 1
[ (gogoproto.nullable) = false ];


LastProviderConsensusVals is the last validator set sent to the consensus engine of the provider chain.

Format: byte(42) | addr -> ConsensusValidator, with addr the validator's consensus address on the provider chain and ConsensusValidator defined as

message ConsensusValidator {
// validator's consensus address on the provider chain
bytes provider_cons_addr = 1;
// voting power the validator has during this epoch
int64 power = 2;
// public key the validator uses on the consumer chain during this epoch
tendermint.crypto.PublicKey public_key = 3;
// height the validator had when it FIRST became a consumer validator
int64 join_height = 4;

Reward Distribution


ConsumerRewardDenoms is storing the list of whitelisted denoms that are accepted as ICS rewards. Note that denoms that are not whitelisted can still be transfer to the consumer_rewards_pool account on the provider module, but they will not be distributed to validators and their delegators.

Format: byte(27) | []byte(denom) -> []byte{}


ConsumerRewardsAllocation is the allocation of ICS rewards for a given consumer chain. This is used to distribute ICS rewards only to the validators that are part of the consumer chain validator set.

Format: byte(38) | []byte(consumerId) -> ConsumerRewardsAllocation, where ConsumerRewardsAllocation is defined as

message ConsumerRewardsAllocation {
repeated cosmos.base.v1beta1.DecCoin rewards = 1 [
(gogoproto.nullable) = false,
(amino.dont_omitempty) = true,
(gogoproto.castrepeated) = ""


ConsumerCommissionRate is the commission rate set by a provider validator for a given consumer chain.

Format: byte(39) | len(consumerId) | []byte(consumerId) | addr -> math.LegacyDec, with addr the validator's consensus address on the provider chain and math is "".

Consumer Infractions


SlashMeter is the meter used for the throttling mechanism as the allowance of voting power that can be jailed over time. It is decremented by the amount of voting power jailed whenever a validator is jailed for downtime, and periodically replenished as decided by on-chain params. See ADR 002 for more details.

Format: byte(3) -> math.Int


SlashMeterReplenishTimeCandidate is the next UTC time the SlashMeter could potentially be replenished. Note that this value is the next time the SlashMeter will be replenished if and only if the SlashMeter is not full. Otherwise this value will be updated in every future block until the slash meter becomes not full.

Format: byte(4) -> time.Time


ValsetUpdateBlockHeight is the block height associated with a validator set update ID vscId. This is used for mapping infraction heights on consumer chains to heights on the provider chain via the validator set update IDs (together with InitChainHeight).

Format: byte(13) | vscId -> uint64


InitChainHeight is the block height on the provider when the CCV channel of a given consumer chain was established (i.e., the channel opening handshake was completed). This is used for mapping infraction heights on consumer chains to heights on the provider chain (together with ValsetUpdateBlockHeight).

Format: byte(16) | []byte(consumerId) -> uint64


SlashAcks are addresses of validators for which SlashPackets for downtime infractions received from a given consumer chain were handled. These addresses are sent together with the validator updates to the consumer chain as confirmation that the downtime infractions were dealt with.

Format: byte(15) | []byte(consumerId) -> SlashAcks, where SlashAcks is defined as

message SlashAcks { 
repeated string addresses = 1;


EquivocationEvidenceMinHeight is the minimum height of a valid evidence of equivocation on a given consumer chain.

Format: byte(29) | []byte(consumerId) -> uint64

State Transitions

Consumer chain phases

The following diagram describes the phases of a consumer chain from the perspective of the provider module:

Phases of a consumer chain

IBC Callbacks

The consumer module is an IBC application that implements the IBC module callback.


OnChanOpenInit returns an error. MsgChannelOpenInit should be sent to the consumer.


OnChanOpenTry validates the parameters of the CCV channel -- an ordered IBC channel connected on the provider port and with the counterparty port set to consumer -- and asserts that the counterparty version matches the expected version (only verions 1 is supported).

If the validation passes, the provider module verifies that the underlying client is the expected client of the consumer chain (i.e., the client created during the consumer chain launch) and that no other CCV channel exists for this consumer chain.

Finally, it sets the ProviderFeePoolAddr as part of the metadata.


OnChanOpenAck returns an error. MsgChannelOpenAck should be sent to the consumer.


OnChanOpenConfirm first verifies that no other CCV channel exists for this consumer chain. Note that this is a sanity check. Then, it sets the channel mapping in the state.


OnChanCloseInit returns an error. MsgChannelCloseInit should be sent to the consumer.


OnChanCloseConfirm is a no-op.


OnRecvPacket unmarshals the IBC packet data into a SlashPacketData struct (see below) and executes the handling logic.

  • Validate the fields in SlashPacketData:
    • validator has a valid address and a non-zero power;
    • infraction is either downtime or double-singing;
    • the provider has in state a mapping from valset_update_id to a block height.
  • If it is a double-signing infraction, then just log it and return.
  • Verify that the consumer chain is launched and the validator is opted in.
  • Update the meter used for jail throttling.
  • Jail the validator on the provider chain.
  • Store in state the ACK that the downtime infraction was handled. This will be sent to the consumer with the next validator updates to enable it to send other downtime infractions for this validator.
message SlashPacketData {
tendermint.abci.Validator validator = 1 [
(gogoproto.nullable) = false,
(gogoproto.moretags) = "yaml:\"validator\""
// map to the infraction block height on the provider
uint64 valset_update_id = 2;
// tell if the slashing is for a downtime or a double-signing infraction
cosmos.staking.v1beta1.Infraction infraction = 3;

Note that IBC packets with VSCMaturedPacketData data are dropped. For more details, check out ADR 018.


OnAcknowledgementPacket stops and eventually removes the consumer chain associated with the channel on which the MsgAcknowledgement message was received.


OnTimeoutPacket stops and eventually removes the consumer chain associated with the channel on which the MsgTimeout message was received.



MsgUpdateParams updates the provider module parameters. The params are updated through a governance proposal where the signer is the gov module account address.

message MsgUpdateParams {
option (cosmos.msg.v1.signer) = "authority";

// authority is the address of the governance account.
string authority = 1 [(cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.AddressString"];

// params defines the x/provider parameters to update.
Params params = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];


MsgChangeRewardDenoms updates the list of whitelisted denoms accepted by the provider as ICS rewards. The list of accepted denoms is updated through a governance proposal where the signer is the gov module account address.

Note that this message replaces ChangeRewardDenomsProposal, which is deprecated.

message MsgChangeRewardDenoms {
option (cosmos.msg.v1.signer) = "authority";

// the list of consumer reward denoms to add
repeated string denoms_to_add = 1;
// the list of consumer reward denoms to remove
repeated string denoms_to_remove = 2;
// signer address
string authority = 3 [(cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.AddressString"];


MsgCreateConsumer enables a user to create a consumer chain.

Both the chain_id and metadata fields are mandatory. The initialization_parameters, power_shaping_parameters, and allowlisted_reward_denoms fields are optional. The parameters not provided are set to their zero value.

The owner of the created consumer chain is the submitter of the message. This message cannot be submitted as part of a governance proposal, i.e., the submitter cannot be the gov module account address. As a result, if the power_shaping_parameters are provided, then power_shaping_parameters.top_N must be set to zero (i.e., opt-in consumer chain).

To create a top-n consumer chain, the following steps are require:

  • Create a opt-in consumer chain (via MsgCreateConsumer).
  • Change the ownership of the consuemr chain to the gov module account address (via MsgUpdateConsumer).
  • Change power_shaping_parameters.top_N to a value in [50, 100] trough a governance proposal with a MsgUpdateConsumer message.

If the initialization_parameters field is set and initialization_parameters.spawn_time > 0, then the consumer chain will be scheduled to launch at spawn_time.

message MsgCreateConsumer {
option (cosmos.msg.v1.signer) = "submitter";

// Submitter address. If the message is successfully handled, the ownership of
// the consumer chain will given to this address.
string submitter = 1 [(cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.AddressString"];

// the chain id of the new consumer chain
string chain_id = 2;

ConsumerMetadata metadata = 3 [ (gogoproto.nullable) = false ];

ConsumerInitializationParameters initialization_parameters = 4;

PowerShapingParameters power_shaping_parameters = 5;

// allowlisted reward denoms by the consumer chain
AllowlistedRewardDenoms allowlisted_reward_denoms = 6;


MsgUpdateConsumer enables the owner of a consumer chain to update its parameters (e.g., set a new owner).

Note that only the owner (i.e., signer) and consumer_id fields are mandatory. The others field are optional. Not providing one of them will leave the existing values unchanged. Providing one of metadata, initialization_parameters, power_shaping_parameters, or allowlisted_reward_denoms will update all the containing fields. If one of the containing fields is missing, it will be set to its zero value. For example, updating the initialization_parameters without specifying the spawn_time, will set the spawn_time to zero.

If the initialization_parameters field is set and initialization_parameters.spawn_time > 0, then the consumer chain will be scheduled to launch at spawn_time. Updating the spawn_time from a positive value to zero will remove the consumer chain from the list of scheduled to launch chains. If the consumer chain is already launched, updating the initialization_parameters is no longer possible.

If the power_shaping_parameters field is set and power_shaping_parameters.top_N is positive, then the owner needs to be the gov module account address.

If the new_owner_address field is set to a value different than the gov module account address, then top_N needs to be zero.

message MsgUpdateConsumer {
option (cosmos.msg.v1.signer) = "owner";

// the address of the owner of the consumer chain to be updated
string owner = 1 [(cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.AddressString"];

// the consumer id of the consumer chain to be updated
string consumer_id = 2;

// the new owner of the consumer when updated
string new_owner_address = 3 [(cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.AddressString"];

// the metadata of the consumer when updated
ConsumerMetadata metadata = 4;

// initialization parameters can only be updated before a chain has launched
ConsumerInitializationParameters initialization_parameters = 5;

// the power-shaping parameters of the consumer when updated
PowerShapingParameters power_shaping_parameters = 6;

// allowlisted reward denoms by the consumer chain
AllowlistedRewardDenoms allowlisted_reward_denoms = 7;


MsgRemoveConsumer enables the owner of a launched consumer chain to remove it from the provider chain. The message will first stop the consumer chain, which means the provider will stop sending it validator updates over IBC. Then, once the unbonding period elapses, the consumer chain is removed from the provider state.

message MsgRemoveConsumer {
option (cosmos.msg.v1.signer) = "owner";

// the consumer id of the consumer chain to be stopped
string consumer_id = 1;
// the address of the owner of the consumer chain to be stopped
string owner = 2 [(cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.AddressString"];


MsgOptIn enables a validator to opt in to validate a consumer chain. Note that validators can opt in to validate consumer chains that are not launched yet. The signer of the message needs to match the validator address on the provider.

Note that opting in doesn't guarantee a spot in the consumer chain's validator set. Use the has-to-validate query to check if the validator is part of the consumer chain's validator set. For more details, check out the validator guide to Partial Set Security.

Note that since the introduction of the Permissionless ICS feature the chain_id field is deprecated. Users should use consumer_id instead. You can use the list-consumer-chains query to get the list of all consumer chains and their consumer IDs.

The consumer_key field is optional. It enables the validator to set the consensus public key to use on the consumer chain. The validator can assing (or re-assing) this key also later via MsgAssignConsumerKey.


Validators are strongly recommended to assign a separate key for each consumer chain and not reuse the provider key across consumer chains for security reasons.

This is especially important since the introduction of the Permissionless ICS feature that allows multiple consumer chains to have the same chain ID. A validator using the same consensus key to validate on two chains with the same chain ID might get slashed for double signing.

message MsgOptIn {
option (gogoproto.equal) = false;
option (gogoproto.goproto_getters) = false;
option (cosmos.msg.v1.signer) = "signer";

// [DEPRECATED] use `consumer_id` instead
string chain_id = 1 [deprecated = true];
// the validator address on the provider
string provider_addr = 2 [ (gogoproto.moretags) = "yaml:\"address\"" ];
// (optional) The consensus public key to use on the consumer in json string format corresponding to proto-any,
// for example `{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.ed25519.PubKey","key":"Ui5Gf1+mtWUdH8u3xlmzdKID+F3PK0sfXZ73GZ6q6is="}`.
// This field is optional and can remain empty (i.e., `consumer_key = ""`). A validator can always change the
// consumer public key at a later stage by issuing a `MsgAssignConsumerKey` message.
string consumer_key = 3;
// submitter address
string signer = 4 [(cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.AddressString"];
// the consumer id of the consumer chain to opt in to
string consumer_id = 5;


MsgAssignConsumerKey enables a validator to assign the consensus public key to use on a consumer chain. Without assigning a specific key, the validator will need to use the same key as on the provider chain.


Validators are strongly recommended to assign a separate key for each consumer chain and not reuse the provider key across consumer chains for security reasons.

This is especially important since the introduction of the Permissionless ICS feature that allows multiple consumer chains to have the same chain ID. A validator using the same consensus key to validate on two chains with the same chain ID might get slashed for double signing.

The signer of the message needs to match the validator address on the provider.

Note that since the introduction of the Permissionless ICS feature the chain_id field is deprecated. Users should use consumer_id instead. You can use the list-consumer-chains query to get the list of all consumer chains and their consumer IDs.

For more details, check out the description of the Key Assignment feature.

message MsgAssignConsumerKey {
option (cosmos.msg.v1.signer) = "signer";
option (gogoproto.equal) = false;
option (gogoproto.goproto_getters) = false;

// [DEPRECATED] use `consumer_id` instead
string chain_id = 1 [deprecated = true];
// The validator address on the provider
string provider_addr = 2 [ (gogoproto.moretags) = "yaml:\"address\"" ];
// The consensus public key to use on the consumer.
// in json string format corresponding to proto-any, ex:
// `{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.ed25519.PubKey","key":"Ui5Gf1+mtWUdH8u3xlmzdKID+F3PK0sfXZ73GZ6q6is="}`
string consumer_key = 3;

string signer = 4 [(cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.AddressString"];

// the consumer id of the consumer chain to assign a consensus public key to
string consumer_id = 5;


MsgOptOut enables a validator to opt out from validating a launched consumer chain. The signer of the message needs to match the validator address on the provider.

Note that since the introduction of the Permissionless ICS feature the chain_id field is deprecated. Users should use consumer_id instead. You can use the list-consumer-chains query to get the list of all consumer chains and their consumer IDs.

For more details on optin out, check out the validator guide to Partial Set Security.

message MsgOptOut {
option (gogoproto.equal) = false;
option (gogoproto.goproto_getters) = false;
option (cosmos.msg.v1.signer) = "signer";

// [DEPRECATED] use `consumer_id` instead
string chain_id = 1 [deprecated = true];
// the validator address on the provider
string provider_addr = 2 [ (gogoproto.moretags) = "yaml:\"address\"" ];
// submitter address
string signer = 3 [(cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.AddressString"];
// the consumer id of the consumer chain to opt out from
string consumer_id = 4;


MsgSetConsumerCommissionRate enables validators to set a per-consumer chain commission rate. The rate is a decimal in [minRate, 1], with minRate corresponding to the minimum commission rate set on the provider chain (see min_commission_rate in interchain-security-pd query staking params).

The signer of the message needs to match the validator address on the provider.

Note that since the introduction of the Permissionless ICS feature the chain_id field is deprecated. Users should use consumer_id instead. You can use the list-consumer-chains query to get the list of all consumer chains and their consumer IDs.

For more details on setting per-consumer chain commission rates, check out the validator guide to Partial Set Security.

message MsgSetConsumerCommissionRate {
option (gogoproto.equal) = false;
option (gogoproto.goproto_getters) = false;
option (cosmos.msg.v1.signer) = "signer";

// The validator address on the provider
string provider_addr = 1 [ (gogoproto.moretags) = "yaml:\"address\"" ];
// [DEPRECATED] use `consumer_id` instead
string chain_id = 2 [deprecated = true];
// The rate to charge delegators on the consumer chain, as a fraction
string rate = 3 [
(cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.Dec",
(gogoproto.customtype) = "",
(gogoproto.nullable) = false
// submitter address
string signer = 4 [(cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.AddressString"];
// the consumer id of the consumer chain to set the commission rate
string consumer_id = 5;


MsgSubmitConsumerMisbehaviour enables users to submit to the provider evidence of a light client attack that occured on a consumer chain. This message can be submitted directly by users, e.g., via the CLI command tx provider submit-consumer-misbehaviour, or by a relayer that can be set to automatically detect consumer chain misbehaviors, e.g., Hermes.

Note that since the introduction of the Permissionless ICS feature the chain_id field is deprecated. Users should use consumer_id instead. You can use the list-consumer-chains query to get the list of all consumer chains and their consumer IDs.

For more details on reporting light client attacks that occured on consumer chains, check out the guide on equivocation infractions.

message MsgSubmitConsumerMisbehaviour {
option (cosmos.msg.v1.signer) = "submitter";
option (gogoproto.equal) = false;
option (gogoproto.goproto_getters) = false;

string submitter = 1 [(cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.AddressString"];
// The Misbehaviour of the consumer chain wrapping
// two conflicting IBC headers
ibc.lightclients.tendermint.v1.Misbehaviour misbehaviour = 2;
// the consumer id of the consumer chain where the misbehaviour occurred
string consumer_id = 3;


MsgSubmitConsumerDoubleVoting enables users to submit to the provider evidence of a double signing infraction that occured on a consumer chain. This message can be submitted directly by users, e.g., via the CLI command tx provider submit-consumer-double-voting, or by a relayer that can be set to automatically detect consumer chain misbehaviors, e.g., Hermes.

Note that since the introduction of the Permissionless ICS feature the chain_id field is deprecated. Users should use consumer_id instead. You can use the list-consumer-chains query to get the list of all consumer chains and their consumer IDs.

For more details on reporting double signing infractions that occured on consumer chains, check out the guide on equivocation infractions.

message MsgSubmitConsumerDoubleVoting {
option (cosmos.msg.v1.signer) = "submitter";
option (gogoproto.equal) = false;
option (gogoproto.goproto_getters) = false;

string submitter = 1 [(cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.AddressString"];
// The equivocation of the consumer chain wrapping
// an evidence of a validator that signed two conflicting votes
tendermint.types.DuplicateVoteEvidence duplicate_vote_evidence = 2;
// The light client header of the infraction block
ibc.lightclients.tendermint.v1.Header infraction_block_header = 3;
// the consumer id of the consumer chain where the double-voting took place
string consumer_id = 4;


In the BeginBlock of the provider module the following actions are performed:

  • Launch every consumer chain that has a spawn time that already passed.
    • Compute the initial validator set.
    • Create the genesis state for the consumer module. Note that the genesis state contains the consumer module parameters and both the client state and consensus state needed for creating a provider client on the consumer chain.
    • Create a consumer client.
  • Remove every stopped consumer chain for which the removal time has passed.
  • Replenish the throttling meter if necessary.
  • Distribute ICS rewards to the opted in validators.

Note that for every consumer chain, the computation of its initial validator set is based on the consumer's power shaping parameters and the validators that opted in on that consumer.


In the EndBlock of the provider module the following actions are performed:

  • Store in state the VSC id to block height mapping needed for determining the height of infractions on consumer chains.
  • Prune the no-longer needed public keys assigned by validators to use when validating on consumer chains.
  • Send validator updates to the consensus engine. The maximum number of validators is set through the MaxProviderConsensusValidators param.
  • At the begining of every epoch,
    • for every launched consumer chain, compute the next consumer validator set and send it to the consumer chain via an IBC packet;
    • increment the VSC id.

Note that for every consumer chain, the computation of its validator set is based on the consumer's power shaping parameters and the validators that opted in on that consumer.






The provider module contains the following parameters.


TemplateClient is a template of an IBC ClientState used for launching consumer chains.


TypeDefault value

TrustingPeriodFraction is used to used to compute the trusting period of IBC clients (for both provider and consumer chains) as UnbondingPeriod / TrustingPeriodFraction. Note that a light clients must be updated within the trusting period in order to avoid being frozen.

The param is set as a string, and converted to a sdk.Dec when used.


TypeDefault value
time.Duration2419200s (4 weeks)

CcvTimeoutPeriod is the period used to compute the timeout timestamp when sending IBC packets. For more details, see the IBC specification of Channel & Packet Semantics.


If a sent packet is not relayed within this period, then the packet times out. The CCV channel used by the interchain security protocol is closed, and the corresponding consumer is removed.

CcvTimeoutPeriod may have different values on the provider and consumer chains. CcvTimeoutPeriod on the provider must be larger than consumer unbonding period.


TypeDefault value
time.Duration3600s (1 hour)

SlashMeterReplenishPeriod is the time interval at which the meter for jail throttling is replenished. The meter is replenished to an amount equal to the allowance for that block, or SlashMeterReplenishFraction * CurrentTotalVotingPower.


TypeDefault value

SlashMeterReplenishFraction is the fraction (in range [0, 1]) of total voting power that is replenished to the slash meter when a replenishment occurs. This param also serves as a maximum fraction of total voting power that the slash meter can hold.

The param is set as a string, and converted to a sdk.Dec when used.


ConsumerRewardDenomRegistrationFee is deprecated.


TypeDefault value

BlocksPerEpoch is the number of blocks in an ICS epoch. The provider sends validator updates to the consumer chains only once per epoch.


It is recommended for the length of an ICS epoch to not exceed a day. Large epochs would lead to delays in validator updates sent to the consumer chains, which might impact the security of the consumer chains.


TypeDefault value

NumberOfEpochsToStartReceivingRewards is the number of ICS epochs that a validator needs to wait after opting in on a consumer chain before being eligible to ICS reawards from that consumer.


TypeDefault value

MaxProviderConsensusValidators is the maximum number of validators sent to the provider consensus enginer. This was introduced with the Inactive Provider Validators feature and it replaces the MaxValidators staking module parameter.
As a result, the provider chain can differentiate between bonded validators, i.e., validators that have stake locked on the provider chain, and active validator, i.e., validators that participate actively in the provider chain's consensus.



A user can interact with the provider module using the CLI.


The query commands allow users to query provider state.

interchain-security-pd query provider --help
Consumer Genesis

The consumer-genesis command allows to query for consumer chain genesis state by consumer id.

interchain-security-pd query provider consumer-genesis [consumer-id] [flags]
interchain-security-pd query provider consumer-genesis 0


new_chain: true
blocks_per_distribution_transmission: "1000"
ccv_timeout_period: 2419200s
consumer_id: "0"
consumer_redistribution_fraction: "0.75"
distribution_transmission_channel: ""
enabled: true
historical_entries: "10000"
provider_fee_pool_addr_str: ""
provider_reward_denoms: []
retry_delay_period: 3600s
reward_denoms: []
soft_opt_out_threshold: "0"
transfer_timeout_period: 3600s
unbonding_period: 1209600s
allow_update_after_expiry: false
allow_update_after_misbehaviour: false
chain_id: provider
revision_height: "0"
revision_number: "0"
revision_height: "25"
revision_number: "0"
max_clock_drift: 10s
- inner_spec:
- 0
- 1
child_size: 33
empty_child: null
hash: SHA256
max_prefix_length: 12
min_prefix_length: 4
hash: SHA256
length: VAR_PROTO
prefix: AA==
prehash_key: NO_HASH
prehash_value: SHA256
max_depth: 0
min_depth: 0
prehash_key_before_comparison: false
- inner_spec:
- 0
- 1
child_size: 32
empty_child: null
hash: SHA256
max_prefix_length: 1
min_prefix_length: 1
hash: SHA256
length: VAR_PROTO
prefix: AA==
prehash_key: NO_HASH
prehash_value: SHA256
max_depth: 0
min_depth: 0
prehash_key_before_comparison: false
denominator: "3"
numerator: "1"
trusting_period: 1197504s
unbonding_period: 1814400s
- upgrade
- upgradedIBCState
next_validators_hash: 632730A03DEF630F77B61DF4092629007AE020B789713158FABCB104962FA54F
hash: Jcck4b/HHJOcjcVjTdMi8qHB4SeCpWpfLiN9DtB99oA=
timestamp: "2024-09-25T09:18:40.262655625Z"
- power: "500"
ed25519: RrclQz9bIhkIy/gfL485g3PYMeiIku4qeo495787X10=
- power: "500"
ed25519: Ui5Gf1+mtWUdH8u3xlmzdKID+F3PK0sfXZ73GZ6q6is=
- power: "500"
ed25519: mAN6RXYxSM4MNGSIriYiS7pHuwAcOHDQAy9/wnlSzOI=
List Consumer Chains

The list-consumer-chains command allows to query consumer chains supported by the provider chain. An optional integer parameter can be passed for phase filtering of consumer chains, (Registered=1|Initialized=2|Launched=3|Stopped=4|Deleted=5).`

interchain-security-pd query provider list-consumer-chains [phase] [limit] [flags]
interchain-security-pd query provider list-consumer-chains 3


- allow_inactive_vals: true
allowlist: []
chain_id: pion-1
client_id: 07-tendermint-0
consumer_id: "0"
denylist: ["cosmosvalcons1ezyrq65s3gshhx5585w6mpusq3xsj3ayzf4uv6"]
description: description of your chain and all other relevant information
metadata: some metadata about your chain
name: pion-1
min_power_in_top_N: "500"
min_stake: "0"
top_N: 60
validator_set_cap: 0
validators_power_cap: 0
next_key: null
total: "1"
Validator Consumer Key Assignment

The validator-consumer-key command allows to query assigned validator consensus public key for a consumer chain.

interchain-security-pd query provider validator-consumer-key [consumer-id] [provider-validator-address] [flags]
interchain-security-pd query provider validator-consumer-key 0 cosmosvalcons1ezyrq65s3gshhx5585w6mpusq3xsj3ayzf4uv6


consumer_address: cosmosvalcons1kswr5sq599365kcjmhgufevfps9njf43e4lwdk
Validator Provider Key

The validator-provider-key command allows to query validator consensus public key for the provider chain.

interchain-security-pd query provider validator-provider-key [consumer-id] [consumer-validator-address] [flags]
interchain-security-pd query provider validator-provider-key 0 cosmosvalcons1kswr5sq599365kcjmhgufevfps9njf43e4lwdk


provider_address: cosmosvalcons1h7zs5nwruzvhyzkktvhwypfuxlch6nrrw4jjmj
Throttle State

The throttle-state command allows to query on-chain state relevant to slash packet throttling.

interchain-security-pd query provider throttle-state [flags]
interchain-security-pd query provider throttle-state


next_replenish_candidate: "2024-09-26T07:59:51.336971970Z"
slash_meter: "1500"
slash_meter_allowance: "1511"
Registered Consumer Reward Denoms

The registered-consumer-reward-denoms command allows to query registered consumer reward denoms.

interchain-security-pd query provider registered-consumer-reward-denoms [flags]
interchain-security-pd query provider registered-consumer-reward-denoms


- ibc/3C3D7B3BE4ECC85A0E5B52A3AEC3B7DFC2AA9CA47C37821E57020D6807043BE9
- ibc/D549749C93524DA1831A4B3C850DFC1BA9060261BEDFB224B3B0B4744CD77A70
All Pairs Valconsensus Address

The all-pairs-valconsensus-address command allows to query all pairs of valconsensus address by consumer id.

interchain-security-pd query provider all-pairs-valconsensus-address [consumer-id] [flags]
interchain-security-pd query provider all-pairs-valconsensus-address 0


- consumer_address: cosmosvalcons1kswr5sq599365kcjmhgufevfps9njf43e4lwdk
ed25519: Ui5Gf1+mtWUdH8u3xlmzdKID+F3PK0sfXZ73GZ6q6is=
provider_address: cosmosvalcons1ezyrq65s3gshhx5585w6mpusq3xsj3ayzf4uv6
Provider Parameters

The params command allows to query provider parameters information.

interchain-security-pd query provider params [flags]
interchain-security-pd query provider params


blocks_per_epoch: "3"
ccv_timeout_period: 2419200s
amount: "10000000"
denom: stake
max_provider_consensus_validators: "180"
number_of_epochs_to_start_receiving_rewards: "24"
slash_meter_replenish_fraction: "1.0"
slash_meter_replenish_period: 3600s
allow_update_after_expiry: false
allow_update_after_misbehaviour: false
chain_id: ""
revision_height: "0"
revision_number: "0"
revision_height: "0"
revision_number: "0"
max_clock_drift: 10s
- inner_spec:
- 0
- 1
child_size: 33
empty_child: null
hash: SHA256
max_prefix_length: 12
min_prefix_length: 4
hash: SHA256
length: VAR_PROTO
prefix: AA==
prehash_key: NO_HASH
prehash_value: SHA256
max_depth: 0
min_depth: 0
prehash_key_before_comparison: false
- inner_spec:
- 0
- 1
child_size: 32
empty_child: null
hash: SHA256
max_prefix_length: 1
min_prefix_length: 1
hash: SHA256
length: VAR_PROTO
prefix: AA==
prehash_key: NO_HASH
prehash_value: SHA256
max_depth: 0
min_depth: 0
prehash_key_before_comparison: false
denominator: "3"
numerator: "1"
trusting_period: 0s
unbonding_period: 0s
- upgrade
- upgradedIBCState
trusting_period_fraction: "0.66"
Consumer Opted In Validators

The consumer-opted-in-validators command allows to query opted-in validators for a given consumer chain.

interchain-security-pd query provider consumer-opted-in-validators [consumer-id] [flags]
interchain-security-pd query provider consumer-opted-in-validators 0


- cosmosvalcons1qmq08eruchr5sf5s3rwz7djpr5a25f7xw4mceq
- cosmosvalcons1nx7n5uh0ztxsynn4sje6eyq2ud6rc6klc96w39
- cosmosvalcons1ezyrq65s3gshhx5585w6mpusq3xsj3ayzf4uv6
Consumer Validators

The consumer-validators command allows to query the last set consumer-validator set for a given consumer chain.

interchain-security-pd query provider consumer-validators [consumer-id] [flags]
interchain-security-pd query provider consumer-validators 0


- consumer_commission_rate: "0.100000000000000000"
ed25519: RrclQz9bIhkIy/gfL485g3PYMeiIku4qeo495787X10=
consumer_power: "511"
details: ""
identity: ""
moniker: validatoralice
security_contact: ""
website: ""
jailed: false
power: "0"
provider_address: cosmosvalcons1qmq08eruchr5sf5s3rwz7djpr5a25f7xw4mceq
provider_commission_rate: "0.100000000000000000"
provider_operator_address: cosmosvaloper19pe9pg5dv9k5fzgzmsrgnw9rl9asf7ddtrgtng
provider_power: "511"
provider_tokens: "511000000"
rate: "0.000000000000000000"
validates_current_epoch: true
- consumer_commission_rate: "0.100000000000000000"
ed25519: mAN6RXYxSM4MNGSIriYiS7pHuwAcOHDQAy9/wnlSzOI=
consumer_power: "500"
details: ""
identity: ""
moniker: validatorbob
security_contact: ""
website: ""
jailed: false
power: "0"
provider_address: cosmosvalcons1nx7n5uh0ztxsynn4sje6eyq2ud6rc6klc96w39
provider_commission_rate: "0.100000000000000000"
provider_operator_address: cosmosvaloper1dkas8mu4kyhl5jrh4nzvm65qz588hy9qakmjnw
provider_power: "500"
provider_tokens: "500000000"
rate: "0.000000000000000000"
validates_current_epoch: true
Has to Validate

The has-to-validate command allows to query the consumer chains list a given validator has to validate.

interchain-security-pd query provider has-to-validate [provider-validator-address] [flags]
interchain-security-pd query provider has-to-validate cosmoscons1gghjut3ccd8ay0zduzj64hwre2fxs9ldmqhffj


- "0"
- "2"
Validator Consumer Commission Rate

The validator-consumer-commission-rate command allows to query the consumer commission rate a validator charges on a consumer chain.

interchain-security-pd query provider validator-consumer-commission-rate [consumer-id] [provider-validator-address] [flags]
interchain-security-pd query provider validator-consumer-commission-rate 0 cosmoscons1gghjut3ccd8ay0zduzj64hwre2fxs9ldmqhffj


rate: "0.750000000000000000"
Blocks Until Next Epoch

The blocks-until-next-epoch command allows to query the number of blocks until the next epoch begins and validator updates are sent to consumer chains

interchain-security-pd query provider blocks-until-next-epoch [flags]
interchain-security-pd query provider blocks-until-next-epoch


blocks_until_next_epoch: "286"
Consumer Id From Client Id

The consumer-id-from-client-id command allows to query the consumer id of the chain associated with the provided client id.

interchain-security-pd query provider consumer-id-from-client-id [client-id] [flags]
interchain-security-pd query provider consumer-id-from-client-id 07-tendermint-0


consumer_id: "0"
Consumer Chain

The consumer-chain command allows to query the consumer chain associated with the consumer id.

interchain-security-pd query provider consumer-chain [consumer-id] [flags]
interchain-security-pd query provider consumer-chain 0


chain_id: pion-1
consumer_id: "0"
binary_hash: YmluX2hhc2g=
blocks_per_distribution_transmission: "1000"
ccv_timeout_period: 2419200s
consumer_redistribution_fraction: "0.75"
distribution_transmission_channel: ""
genesis_hash: Z2VuX2hhc2g=
historical_entries: "10000"
revision_height: "1"
revision_number: "0"
spawn_time: "2024-09-26T06:55:14.616054Z"
transfer_timeout_period: 3600s
unbonding_period: 1209600s
description: description of your chain and all other relevant information
metadata: some metadata about your chain
name: pion-1
owner_address: cosmos10d07y265gmmuvt4z0w9aw880jnsr700j6zn9kn
allow_inactive_vals: false
allowlist: []
denylist: []
min_stake: "0"
top_N: 100
validator_set_cap: 0
validators_power_cap: 0


The tx commands allows users to interact with the provider module.

interchain-security-pd tx provider --help
Assign Consumer Key

The assign-consensus-key command allows to assign a consensus public key to use for a consumer chain.

interchain-security-pd tx provider assign-consensus-key [consumer-id] [consumer-pubkey] [flags]
interchain-security-pd tx provider assign-consensus-key 0 \
'{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.ed25519.PubKey","key":"Ui5Gf1+mtWUdH8u3xlmzdKID+F3PK0sfXZ73GZ6q6is="}' \
--chain-id provider \
--from mykey \
--gas="auto" \
--gas-adjustment="1.2" \
--gas-prices="0.025stake" \

Note that the consumer pubkey can be obtained by using interchain-security-cd tendermint show-validator command.

Create Consumer

The create-consumer command allows to create a consumer chain.

interchain-security-pd tx provider create-consumer [consumer-parameters] [flags]
interchain-security-pd tx provider create-consumer path/to/create-consumer-msg.json \
--chain-id provider \
--from mykey \
--gas="auto" \
--gas-adjustment="1.2" \
--gas-prices="0.025stake" \

where create-consumer-msg.json contains:

"chain_id" : "pion-1",
"metadata": {
"name": "pion-1",
"description":"description of your chain and all other relevant information",
"metadata": "some metadata about your chain"
Update Consumer

The update-consumer command allows to update a consumer chain.

interchain-security-pd tx provider update-consumer [consumer-parameters] [flags]
interchain-security-pd tx provider update-consumer path/to/update-consumer.json \
--chain-id provider \
--from mykey \
--gas="auto" \
--gas-adjustment="1.2" \
--gas-prices="0.025stake" \

where update-consumer-msg.json contains:

"consumer_id" : "0",
"owner_address": "cosmos1p3ucd3ptpw902fluyjzhq3ffgq4ntddac9sa3s",
"metadata": {
"name": "pion-1",
"description":"description of your chain and all other relevant information",
"metadata": "some metadata about your"
"revision_number": 0,
"revision_height": 1
"binary_hash": "6EF05C2F38BE62A833E5AB51EBF3BA72D1BC1664D7E4A2E3253DA54BE07CF38A",
"spawn_time": "2024-09-29T12:57:43Z",
"ccv_timeout_period": "2419200s",
"transfer_timeout_period": "3600s",
"consumer_redistribution_fraction": "0.75",
"blocks_per_distribution_transmission": "1500",
"distribution_transmission_channel": ""
"min_stake": "1000",
"allowlisted_reward_denoms": {
"denoms": ["ibc/0025F8A87464A471E66B234C4F93AEC5B4DA3D42D7986451A059273426290DD5"]
Remove Consumer

The remove-consumer command allows to remove a consumer chain.

interchain-security-pd tx provider remove-consumer [consumer-id] [flags]
interchain-security-pd tx provider remove-consumer 0
Opt In

The opt-in command allows a validator to opt in to a consumer chain and optionally set a consensus public key.

interchain-security-pd tx provider opt-in [consumer-id] [consumer-pubkey] [flags]
interchain-security-pd tx provider opt-in 0 \
'{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.ed25519.PubKey","key":"Ui5Gf1+mtWUdH8u3xlmzdKID+F3PK0sfXZ73GZ6q6is="}' \
--chain-id provider \
--from mykey \
--gas="auto" \
--gas-adjustment="1.2" \
--gas-prices="0.025stake" \
Opt Out

The opt-out command allows validators to opt out from consumer chains.

interchain-security-pd tx provider opt-out [consumer-id] [flags]
interchain-security-pd tx provider opt-out 0 \
--chain-id provider \
--from mykey \
--gas="auto" \
--gas-adjustment="1.2" \
--gas-prices="0.025stake" \
Set Consumer Commission Rate

The set-consumer-commission-rate command allows to set a per-consumer chain commission rate.

interchain-security-pd tx provider set-consumer-commission-rate [consumer-id] [commission-rate] [flags]
interchain-security-pd tx provider set-consumer-commission-rate 0 0.5 \
--chain-id provider \
--from mykey \
--gas="auto" \
--gas-adjustment="1.2" \
--gas-prices="0.025stake" \
Submit Consumer Double Voting

The submit-consumer-double-voting command allows to submit a double voting evidence for a consumer chain.

interchain-security-pd tx provider submit-consumer-double-voting [consumer-id] [evidence] [infraction_header] [flags]
interchain-security-pd tx provider submit-consumer-double-voting 0 path/to/evidence.json path/to/infraction_header.json \
--chain-id provider \
--from mykey \
--gas="auto" \
--gas-adjustment="1.2" \
--gas-prices="0.025stake" \

where evidence.json contains:

"vote_a": {
"height": "59",
"round": 0,
"block_id": {
"hash": "paTPgLrLCZmw5ctQWlaMLJhXLckafakKN9skJbTiCHA=",
"part_set_header": {
"total": 1,
"hash": "pVOTT8MO00rk0HAeVQgzdP3wjIOzN5X5tfPLTtXIn2g="
"timestamp": "2024-09-26T09:34:47.146234009Z",
"validator_address": "mb06cu8SzQJOdYSzrJAK43Q8at8=",
"validator_index": 1,
"signature": "Z9C1oU5AEyFqXVmQ0LKNlaVa+tGh++95EB5HYe0i61PlREOmo/OTLlWedr8kuAThBu/1CpaLz446hYjISAKqBQ==",
"extension": null,
"extension_signature": null
"vote_b": {
"height": "59",
"round": 0,
"block_id": {
"hash": "07tksQsQ0gVBphgP4eeyGII9tEaLUuCauQcmwar9ktk=",
"part_set_header": {
"total": 1,
"hash": "nND/ClxCtoSJ9fC7Jyy884ab+nDh+PnHwI28T2fELCE="
"timestamp": "2024-09-26T09:34:47.051976301Z",
"validator_address": "mb06cu8SzQJOdYSzrJAK43Q8at8=",
"validator_index": 1,
"signature": "QscqC9ilH4gL7+3GPqLMWly+UkO+p0JgcinDZtfHOM4fYosZhx+TzhLrrXNExYpwX3D8qQHmJlLCcXLqbo7aCA==",
"extension": null,
"extension_signature": null
"total_voting_power": "1500",
"validator_power": "500",
"timestamp": "2024-09-26T09:34:45.945436342Z"

and infraction_header.json contains:

"signed_header": {
"header": {
"version": {
"block": "11",
"app": "0"
"chain_id": "pion-1",
"height": "59",
"time": "2024-09-26T09:34:45.945436342Z",
"last_block_id": {
"hash": "t8HcmkQbchpGE1CxqdhcogoT+yD5VIm+cRGLcosTtxE=",
"part_set_header": {
"total": 1,
"hash": "fTediSh8XttUUoxWJLPIxO6iWecqdMMsegD2svBtR5E="
"last_commit_hash": "2U4mFcB6+FffQeFPUaHkd+eBtEV5/5d3Zy0Lk58dwIs=",
"data_hash": "47DEQpj8HBSa+/TImW+5JCeuQeRkm5NMpJWZG3hSuFU=",
"validators_hash": "D26N3CL1zQt7yn+JUQ8Dcb2vCYG7QmHMiMfY+nGxhts=",
"next_validators_hash": "D26N3CL1zQt7yn+JUQ8Dcb2vCYG7QmHMiMfY+nGxhts=",
"consensus_hash": "BICRvH3cKD93v7+R1zxE2ljD34qcvIZ0Bdi389qtoi8=",
"app_hash": "k/RW/WMOYCS89VBhKMHIRYb30a30JkZ+puyp9ESTBiA=",
"last_results_hash": "47DEQpj8HBSa+/TImW+5JCeuQeRkm5NMpJWZG3hSuFU=",
"evidence_hash": "47DEQpj8HBSa+/TImW+5JCeuQeRkm5NMpJWZG3hSuFU=",
"proposer_address": "mb06cu8SzQJOdYSzrJAK43Q8at8="
"commit": {
"height": "59",
"round": 0,
"block_id": {
"hash": "07tksQsQ0gVBphgP4eeyGII9tEaLUuCauQcmwar9ktk=",
"part_set_header": {
"total": 1,
"hash": "nND/ClxCtoSJ9fC7Jyy884ab+nDh+PnHwI28T2fELCE="
"signatures": [
"block_id_flag": "BLOCK_ID_FLAG_COMMIT",
"validator_address": "BsDz5HzFx0gmkIjcLzZBHTqqJ8Y=",
"timestamp": "2024-09-26T09:34:47.271500717Z",
"signature": "bXA2WgQVVlHAkn9mGIfoUvgn3C+EJCzNGTAjnhoQJwLkh1Okg3oYmwZRz+UGbc95kXyVO7kQSXhavt0ZPcJ4AA=="
"block_id_flag": "BLOCK_ID_FLAG_COMMIT",
"validator_address": "mb06cu8SzQJOdYSzrJAK43Q8at8=",
"timestamp": "2024-09-26T09:34:47.305955426Z",
"signature": "YG1OcUhpTKFz+Uo8halNmkw0s6n333+m53laZvyQSHM5gqOG4h8jzij2u9sU4H404OJMgdj+1GTxuHmQ8jWFBg=="
"block_id_flag": "BLOCK_ID_FLAG_COMMIT",
"validator_address": "tBw6QBQpY6pbEt3RxOWJDAs5JrE=",
"timestamp": "2024-09-26T09:34:47.255694467Z",
"signature": "EYOC/yo+RaosEVhwBy0bZFjVwHCR7rRZo/FmTRWpAIXZHBVrIiX3iVzRUwn78lsfbaoT97TsqRX61bAiJDM6BA=="
"validator_set": {
"validators": [
"address": "BsDz5HzFx0gmkIjcLzZBHTqqJ8Y=",
"pub_key": {
"ed25519": "RrclQz9bIhkIy/gfL485g3PYMeiIku4qeo495787X10="
"voting_power": "500",
"proposer_priority": "-1000"
"address": "mb06cu8SzQJOdYSzrJAK43Q8at8=",
"pub_key": {
"ed25519": "mAN6RXYxSM4MNGSIriYiS7pHuwAcOHDQAy9/wnlSzOI="
"voting_power": "500",
"proposer_priority": "500"
"address": "tBw6QBQpY6pbEt3RxOWJDAs5JrE=",
"pub_key": {
"ed25519": "Ui5Gf1+mtWUdH8u3xlmzdKID+F3PK0sfXZ73GZ6q6is="
"voting_power": "500",
"proposer_priority": "500"
"proposer": {
"address": "BsDz5HzFx0gmkIjcLzZBHTqqJ8Y=",
"pub_key": {
"ed25519": "RrclQz9bIhkIy/gfL485g3PYMeiIku4qeo495787X10="
"voting_power": "500",
"proposer_priority": "-1000"
"total_voting_power": "0"
"trusted_height": {
"revision_number": "0",
"revision_height": "0"
"trusted_validators": null
Submit Consumer Misbehaviour

The submit-consumer-misbehaviour command allows to submit an IBC misbehaviour for a consumer chain.

interchain-security-pd tx provider submit-consumer-misbehaviour [consumer-id] [misbehaviour] [flags]
interchain-security-pd tx provider submit-consumer-misbehaviour 0 path/to/consumer-misbehaviour.json
--chain-id provider \
--from mykey \
--gas="auto" \
--gas-adjustment="1.2" \
--gas-prices="0.025stake" \

where consumer-misbehaviour.json contains:

"client_id": "07-tendermint-0",
"header_1": {
"signed_header": {
"header": {
"version": {
"block": "11",
"app": "0"
"chain_id": "pion-1",
"height": "95",
"time": "2024-09-26T09:15:52.845591095Z",
"last_block_id": {
"hash": "PUph0B9N9X+LdrstqOoGf+W+OS6oHetQUa+0fpcRnF8=",
"part_set_header": {
"total": 1,
"hash": "SlVkAlM1uq3DjgTk0NbZftLlFwOEJrau1Wnhg3jEH3A="
"last_commit_hash": "Hxe4aLTULJ7qxJ10XsQfluKyU1Rn+d+cgDeTm2AATqU=",
"data_hash": "47DEQpj8HBSa+/TImW+5JCeuQeRkm5NMpJWZG3hSuFU=",
"validators_hash": "+003y0s55+pbijWbJyVVgfNnquSaGGnQmC1hGRUIIjk=",
"next_validators_hash": "+003y0s55+pbijWbJyVVgfNnquSaGGnQmC1hGRUIIjk=",
"consensus_hash": "BICRvH3cKD93v7+R1zxE2ljD34qcvIZ0Bdi389qtoi8=",
"app_hash": "uGHlqLiNp+ZCjE889JDFKnrNkRpZ5xZ5OOamXrCNcOc=",
"last_results_hash": "47DEQpj8HBSa+/TImW+5JCeuQeRkm5NMpJWZG3hSuFU=",
"evidence_hash": "47DEQpj8HBSa+/TImW+5JCeuQeRkm5NMpJWZG3hSuFU=",
"proposer_address": "3wkKSIC1TNV7KnnmTZ6Wm9dRSwk="
"commit": {
"height": "95",
"round": 0,
"block_id": {
"hash": "hkUUob+4UVRE4uJW53fY9UYViGTs2v6P5Sb/hUFYyak=",
"part_set_header": {
"total": 1,
"hash": "0tx9pRIzYJ3vwrYyOgMC8zxf/sSJUtNVm9DBKM8Yxo0="
"signatures": [
"block_id_flag": "BLOCK_ID_FLAG_COMMIT",
"validator_address": "3wkKSIC1TNV7KnnmTZ6Wm9dRSwk=",
"timestamp": "2024-09-26T09:15:53.852414554Z",
"signature": "iiQCCxsCOoNVb2smAVmDO62o9HLf+I4rWk8o86uA1ZoFun/lk1bwrocaMp1It1SjVo/szYsX6Hp5rP1IwcAjDg=="
"validator_set": {
"validators": [
"address": "3wkKSIC1TNV7KnnmTZ6Wm9dRSwk=",
"pub_key": {
"ed25519": "ujY14AgopV907IYgPAk/5x8c9267S4fQf89nyeCPTes="
"voting_power": "511",
"proposer_priority": "0"
"proposer": {
"address": "3wkKSIC1TNV7KnnmTZ6Wm9dRSwk=",
"pub_key": {
"ed25519": "ujY14AgopV907IYgPAk/5x8c9267S4fQf89nyeCPTes="
"voting_power": "511",
"proposer_priority": "0"
"total_voting_power": "0"
"trusted_height": {
"revision_number": "0",
"revision_height": "20"
"trusted_validators": {
"validators": [
"address": "3wkKSIC1TNV7KnnmTZ6Wm9dRSwk=",
"pub_key": {
"ed25519": "ujY14AgopV907IYgPAk/5x8c9267S4fQf89nyeCPTes="
"voting_power": "500",
"proposer_priority": "0"
"proposer": {
"address": "3wkKSIC1TNV7KnnmTZ6Wm9dRSwk=",
"pub_key": {
"ed25519": "ujY14AgopV907IYgPAk/5x8c9267S4fQf89nyeCPTes="
"voting_power": "500",
"proposer_priority": "0"
"total_voting_power": "0"
"header_2": {
"signed_header": {
"header": {
"version": {
"block": "11",
"app": "0"
"chain_id": "consu",
"height": "95",
"time": "2024-09-26T09:15:54.044450012Z",
"last_block_id": {
"hash": "MG9B1h4R9Xb4GRjvaNydD5NSqT37OOjGDcatCZpBlco=",
"part_set_header": {
"total": 1,
"hash": "3jQh26/9EuNAAEL6v2tRuGhKtkotoyTqGtduOOn++vk="
"last_commit_hash": "s1hUy5e7i+GrH5IGW1ck4YHK2CDTY4fjnSiNMInJBWc=",
"data_hash": "47DEQpj8HBSa+/TImW+5JCeuQeRkm5NMpJWZG3hSuFU=",
"validators_hash": "+003y0s55+pbijWbJyVVgfNnquSaGGnQmC1hGRUIIjk=",
"next_validators_hash": "+003y0s55+pbijWbJyVVgfNnquSaGGnQmC1hGRUIIjk=",
"consensus_hash": "BICRvH3cKD93v7+R1zxE2ljD34qcvIZ0Bdi389qtoi8=",
"app_hash": "bWRmShMthwEAB3lIVMgB673gH5vTdoqfn223M3Xrk6Q=",
"last_results_hash": "47DEQpj8HBSa+/TImW+5JCeuQeRkm5NMpJWZG3hSuFU=",
"evidence_hash": "47DEQpj8HBSa+/TImW+5JCeuQeRkm5NMpJWZG3hSuFU=",
"proposer_address": "3wkKSIC1TNV7KnnmTZ6Wm9dRSwk="
"commit": {
"height": "95",
"round": 0,
"block_id": {
"hash": "z3MJTCXppRYoIEPOrneYzw/U0CSiYF3zsUv67ynxM6Q=",
"part_set_header": {
"total": 1,
"hash": "BFSlw7bqXxBHl9O5O9sCUB01nbe0T0KGOmv7yyr8KYU="
"signatures": [
"block_id_flag": "BLOCK_ID_FLAG_COMMIT",
"validator_address": "3wkKSIC1TNV7KnnmTZ6Wm9dRSwk=",
"timestamp": "2024-09-26T09:15:55.054809888Z",
"signature": "oi+TQ0yoDEeXyBchFIql9AGxbufnx3FzDKsCp4B8tx42ropD8tyotKOjk0OMuZQC5aMMRndRfKiYYsWiOrcpAg=="
"validator_set": {
"validators": [
"address": "3wkKSIC1TNV7KnnmTZ6Wm9dRSwk=",
"pub_key": {
"ed25519": "ujY14AgopV907IYgPAk/5x8c9267S4fQf89nyeCPTes="
"voting_power": "511",
"proposer_priority": "0"
"proposer": {
"address": "3wkKSIC1TNV7KnnmTZ6Wm9dRSwk=",
"pub_key": {
"ed25519": "ujY14AgopV907IYgPAk/5x8c9267S4fQf89nyeCPTes="
"voting_power": "511",
"proposer_priority": "0"
"total_voting_power": "0"
"trusted_height": {
"revision_number": "0",
"revision_height": "20"
"trusted_validators": {
"validators": [
"address": "3wkKSIC1TNV7KnnmTZ6Wm9dRSwk=",
"pub_key": {
"ed25519": "ujY14AgopV907IYgPAk/5x8c9267S4fQf89nyeCPTes="
"voting_power": "500",
"proposer_priority": "0"
"proposer": {
"address": "3wkKSIC1TNV7KnnmTZ6Wm9dRSwk=",
"pub_key": {
"ed25519": "ujY14AgopV907IYgPAk/5x8c9267S4fQf89nyeCPTes="
"voting_power": "500",
"proposer_priority": "0"
"total_voting_power": "0"


A user can query the provider module using gRPC endpoints.

Consumer Genesis

The QueryConsumerGenesis endpoint queries a consumer chain genesis state by consumer id.

grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"consumer_id": "0"}' localhost:9090 \


"genesisState": {
"params": {
"enabled": true,
"blocksPerDistributionTransmission": "1500",
"ccvTimeoutPeriod": "2419200s",
"transferTimeoutPeriod": "3600s",
"consumerRedistributionFraction": "0.75",
"historicalEntries": "1000",
"unbondingPeriod": "2419200s",
"softOptOutThreshold": "0",
"retryDelayPeriod": "3600s"
"provider": {
"clientState": {
"chainId": "provider",
"trustLevel": {
"numerator": "1",
"denominator": "3"
"trustingPeriod": "57024s",
"unbondingPeriod": "86400s",
"maxClockDrift": "10s",
"frozenHeight": {},
"latestHeight": {
"revisionHeight": "10"
"proofSpecs": [
"leafSpec": {
"hash": "SHA256",
"prehashValue": "SHA256",
"length": "VAR_PROTO",
"prefix": "AA=="
"innerSpec": {
"childOrder": [
"childSize": 33,
"minPrefixLength": 4,
"maxPrefixLength": 12,
"hash": "SHA256"
"leafSpec": {
"hash": "SHA256",
"prehashValue": "SHA256",
"length": "VAR_PROTO",
"prefix": "AA=="
"innerSpec": {
"childOrder": [
"childSize": 32,
"minPrefixLength": 1,
"maxPrefixLength": 1,
"hash": "SHA256"
"upgradePath": [
"consensusState": {
"timestamp": "2024-09-26T08:19:42.708111Z",
"root": {
"hash": "xbZV/9QyM3PYzY/HyJAsNogaaJVJtyAGROTcXuqxHas="
"nextValidatorsHash": "/zLB6RSu9omrO5L0tnDK03hCOUibwl/7eeVC3hTP7so="
"initialValSet": [
"pubKey": {
"ed25519": "E9bJ6bi7X9MG9s3djQ4MmBxshis9W15y7UzXCxp2Yuk="
"power": "100"
"pubKey": {
"ed25519": "+9BFckSNCI1o/+S85HLjG3pYp1FIzmfYWVKmUH2njxs="
"power": "100"
"pubKey": {
"ed25519": "62d2CCgWXYZHmlsCon2lzVgnu9gfubep2XRPlZKuLAQ="
"power": "100"
"newChain": true

List Consumer Chains

The QueryConsumerChains endpoint queries consumer chains supported by the provider chain. An optional integer parameter can be passed for phase filtering of consumer chains, (Registered=1|Initialized=2|Launched=3|Stopped=4|Deleted=5).`

grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"phase": "1"}' localhost:9090 interchain_security.ccv.provider.v1.Query/QueryConsumerChains


"chains": [
"chainId": "pion-1",
"minPowerInTopN": "-1",
"metadata": {
"name": "pion-1",
"description":"description of your chain and all other relevant information",
"metadata": "some metadata about your chain"
"consumerId": "2"
"chainId": "dash-2",
"minPowerInTopN": "-1",
"metadata": {
"name": "dash-2",
"description":"description of your chain and all other relevant information",
"metadata": "some metadata about your chain"
"consumerId": "4"
"pagination": {
"total": "6"

Validator Consumer Key Assignment

The QueryValidatorConsumerAddr endpoint queries the address assigned by a validator for a consumer chain.

grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"consumer_id": "0", "provider_address": "cosmosvalcons1h7zs5nwruzvhyzkktvhwypfuxlch6nrrw4jjmj"}' localhost:9090 interchain_security.ccv.provider.v1.Query/QueryValidatorConsumerAddr


"consumerAddress": "cosmosvalcons1kswr5sq599365kcjmhgufevfps9njf43e4lwdk"

Validator Provider Key

The QueryValidatorProviderAddr endpoint queries the provider chain address given a consumer chain validator address.

grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"consumer_id": "0", "provider_address": "cosmosvalcons1h7zs5nwruzvhyzkktvhwypfuxlch6nrrw4jjmj"}' localhost:9090 interchain_security.ccv.provider.v1.Query/QueryValidatorProviderAddr


"consumerAddress": "cosmosvalcons1kswr5sq599365kcjmhgufevfps9njf43e4lwdk"

Throttle State

The QueryThrottleState queries the main on-chain state relevant to slash packet throttling.

grpcurl -plaintext localhost:9090 interchain_security.ccv.provider.v1.Query/QueryThrottleState


"slashMeter": "15",
"slashMeterAllowance": "15",
"nextReplenishCandidate": "2024-09-26T14:27:38.066958Z"
Registered Consumer Reward Denoms

The QueryRegisteredConsumerRewardDenoms command allows to query registered consumer reward denoms

grpcurl -plaintext localhost:9090 interchain_security.ccv.provider.v1.Query/QueryRegisteredConsumerRewardDenoms


"denoms": [

All Pairs Valconsensus Address

The QueryAllPairsValConsAddrByConsumer endpoint queries the list of pair valconsensus address between provider and consumer chain.

grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"consumer_id": "0"}' localhost:9090 interchain_security.ccv.provider.v1.Query/QueryAllPairsValConsAddrByConsumer


"pairValConAddr": [
"providerAddress": "cosmosvalcons1ezyrq65s3gshhx5585w6mpusq3xsj3ayzf4uv6",
"consumerAddress": "cosmosvalcons1kswr5sq599365kcjmhgufevfps9njf43e4lwdk",
"consumerKey": {
"ed25519": "Ui5Gf1+mtWUdH8u3xlmzdKID+F3PK0sfXZ73GZ6q6is="

Provider Parameters

The QueryParams endpoint queries all current values of provider parameters.

grpcurl -plaintext localhost:9090 interchain_security.ccv.provider.v1.Query/QueryParams


"params": {
"templateClient": {
"trustLevel": {
"numerator": "1",
"denominator": "3"
"trustingPeriod": "0s",
"unbondingPeriod": "0s",
"maxClockDrift": "10s",
"frozenHeight": {},
"latestHeight": {},
"proofSpecs": [
"leafSpec": {
"hash": "SHA256",
"prehashValue": "SHA256",
"length": "VAR_PROTO",
"prefix": "AA=="
"innerSpec": {
"childOrder": [
"childSize": 33,
"minPrefixLength": 4,
"maxPrefixLength": 12,
"hash": "SHA256"
"leafSpec": {
"hash": "SHA256",
"prehashValue": "SHA256",
"length": "VAR_PROTO",
"prefix": "AA=="
"innerSpec": {
"childOrder": [
"childSize": 32,
"minPrefixLength": 1,
"maxPrefixLength": 1,
"hash": "SHA256"
"upgradePath": [
"trustingPeriodFraction": "0.66",
"ccvTimeoutPeriod": "2419200s",
"slashMeterReplenishPeriod": "3600s",
"slashMeterReplenishFraction": "0.05",
"consumerRewardDenomRegistrationFee": {
"denom": "stake",
"amount": "10000000"
"blocksPerEpoch": "5",
"numberOfEpochsToStartReceivingRewards": "24",
"maxProviderConsensusValidators": "180"

Consumer Opted In Validators

The QueryConsumerChainOptedInValidators endpoint queries opted-in validators for a given consumer chain.

 grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"consumer_id": "0"}' localhost:9090 interchain_security.ccv.provider.v1.Query/QueryConsumerChainOptedInValidators


"validatorsProviderAddresses": [

Consumer Validators

The QueryConsumerValidators endpoint queries the latest set consumer-validator set for a given consumer ID. Note that this does not necessarily mean that the consumer chain is using this validator set at this exact moment because a VSCPacket could be delayed to be delivered on the consumer chain.

grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"consumer_id": "0"}' localhost:9090 interchain_security.ccv.provider.v1.Query/QueryConsumerValidators


"validators": [
"providerAddress": "cosmosvalcons1znhu88l6dsvexunfem4u0392kwqyvdkrj66wph",
"consumerKey": {
"ed25519": "62d2CCgWXYZHmlsCon2lzVgnu9gfubep2XRPlZKuLAQ="
"rate": "0",
"consumerPower": "101",
"consumerCommissionRate": "100000000000000000",
"providerCommissionRate": "100000000000000000",
"description": {
"moniker": "bob"
"providerOperatorAddress": "cosmosvaloper1a7u5k6f54ua3tptl9yn6u82yrvayet6sxn9ywn",
"providerTokens": "101000000",
"providerPower": "101",
"validatesCurrentEpoch": true
"providerAddress": "cosmosvalcons1jnq3j55qe4f946qj8499w0tntxwz90atx26p4q",
"consumerKey": {
"ed25519": "+9BFckSNCI1o/+S85HLjG3pYp1FIzmfYWVKmUH2njxs="
"rate": "0",
"consumerPower": "100",
"consumerCommissionRate": "100000000000000000",
"providerCommissionRate": "100000000000000000",
"description": {
"moniker": "coordinator"
"providerOperatorAddress": "cosmosvaloper1jk2pp655zxy2gazhxj50s8jk3750y8np6wz4lm",
"providerTokens": "100000000",
"providerPower": "100",
"validatesCurrentEpoch": true
"providerAddress": "cosmosvalcons1h7zs5nwruzvhyzkktvhwypfuxlch6nrrw4jjmj",
"consumerKey": {
"ed25519": "Ui5Gf1+mtWUdH8u3xlmzdKID+F3PK0sfXZ73GZ6q6is="
"rate": "0",
"consumerPower": "100",
"consumerCommissionRate": "100000000000000000",
"providerCommissionRate": "100000000000000000",
"description": {
"moniker": "alice"
"providerOperatorAddress": "cosmosvaloper19vfen9jn3uk3e6rrkt3pxansunujnlm40wpdvg",
"providerTokens": "100000000",
"providerPower": "100",
"validatesCurrentEpoch": true

Has to Validate

The QueryConsumerChainsValidatorHasToValidate endpoint queries a list of consumer chains that a given validator must validate.

grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"provider_address": "cosmosvalcons1h7zs5nwruzvhyzkktvhwypfuxlch6nrrw4jjmj"}' localhost:9090 interchain_security.ccv.provider.v1.Query/QueryConsumerChainsValidatorHasToValidate


"consumerIds": [

Validator Consumer Commission Rate

The QueryValidatorConsumerCommissionRate endpoint queries the consumer commission rate a validator charges on a consumer chain.

grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"consumer_id": "0", "provider_address": "cosmosvalcons1h7zs5nwruzvhyzkktvhwypfuxlch6nrrw4jjmj"}' localhost:9090 interchain_security.ccv.provider.v1.Query/QueryValidatorConsumerCommissionRate


"rate": "750000000000000000"

Blocks Until Next Epoch

The QueryBlocksUntilNextEpoch endpoint allows to query the number of blocks until the next epoch begins and validator updates are sent to consumer chains.

grpcurl -plaintext localhost:9090 interchain_security.ccv.provider.v1.Query/QueryBlocksUntilNextEpoch



Consumer Id From Client Id

The QueryConsumerIdFromClientId endpoint allows to query the consumer id of the chain associated with the provided client id.

grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"client_id":"07-tendermint-0"}' localhost:9090 interchain_security.ccv.provider.v1.Query/QueryConsumerIdFromClientId


"consumerId": "0"

Consumer Chain

The QueryConsumerChain command allows to query the consumer chain associated with the consumer id.

grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"consumer_id": "0"}' localhost:9090 interchain_security.ccv.provider.v1.Query/QueryConsumerChain
"consumerId": "0",
"chainId": "pion-1",
"ownerAddress": "cosmos10d07y265gmmuvt4z0w9aw880jnsr700j6zn9kn",
"metadata": {
"name": "description of your chain and all other relevant information",
"description": "some metadata about your chain",
"metadata": "pion-1"
"initParams": {
"initialHeight": {
"revisionHeight": "1"
"genesisHash": "2D5C2110941DA54BE07CBB9FACD7E4A2E3253E79BE7BE3E5A1A7BDA518BAA4BE",
"binaryHash": "2D5C2110941DA54BE07CBB9FACD7E4A2E3253E79BE7BE3E5A1A7BDA518BAA4BE",
"spawnTime": "2023-03-11T17:02:14.718477Z",
"unbondingPeriod": "2419200s",
"ccvTimeoutPeriod": "2419200s",
"transferTimeoutPeriod": "3600s",
"consumerRedistributionFraction": "0.75",
"blocksPerDistributionTransmission": "1500",
"historicalEntries": "1000"
"powerShapingParams": {
"topN": 100,
"validatorSetCap": 50,
"minStake": "1000",
"allowInactiveVals": true


A user can query the provider module using REST endpoints.

Consumer Genesis

The consumer_genesis endpoint queries a consumer chain genesis state by consumer id.

curl http://localhost:1317/interchain_security/ccv/provider/consumer_genesis/0


"genesisState": {
"params": {
"enabled": true,
"blocksPerDistributionTransmission": "1500",
"ccvTimeoutPeriod": "2419200s",
"transferTimeoutPeriod": "3600s",
"consumerRedistributionFraction": "0.75",
"historicalEntries": "1000",
"unbondingPeriod": "2419200s",
"softOptOutThreshold": "0",
"retryDelayPeriod": "3600s"
"provider": {
"clientState": {
"chainId": "provider",
"trustLevel": {
"numerator": "1",
"denominator": "3"
"trustingPeriod": "57024s",
"unbondingPeriod": "86400s",
"maxClockDrift": "10s",
"frozenHeight": {},
"latestHeight": {
"revisionHeight": "10"
"proofSpecs": [
"leafSpec": {
"hash": "SHA256",
"prehashValue": "SHA256",
"length": "VAR_PROTO",
"prefix": "AA=="
"innerSpec": {
"childOrder": [
"childSize": 33,
"minPrefixLength": 4,
"maxPrefixLength": 12,
"hash": "SHA256"
"leafSpec": {
"hash": "SHA256",
"prehashValue": "SHA256",
"length": "VAR_PROTO",
"prefix": "AA=="
"innerSpec": {
"childOrder": [
"childSize": 32,
"minPrefixLength": 1,
"maxPrefixLength": 1,
"hash": "SHA256"
"upgradePath": [
"consensusState": {
"timestamp": "2024-09-26T08:19:42.708111Z",
"root": {
"hash": "xbZV/9QyM3PYzY/HyJAsNogaaJVJtyAGROTcXuqxHas="
"nextValidatorsHash": "/zLB6RSu9omrO5L0tnDK03hCOUibwl/7eeVC3hTP7so="
"initialValSet": [
"pubKey": {
"ed25519": "E9bJ6bi7X9MG9s3djQ4MmBxshis9W15y7UzXCxp2Yuk="
"power": "100"
"pubKey": {
"ed25519": "+9BFckSNCI1o/+S85HLjG3pYp1FIzmfYWVKmUH2njxs="
"power": "100"
"pubKey": {
"ed25519": "62d2CCgWXYZHmlsCon2lzVgnu9gfubep2XRPlZKuLAQ="
"power": "100"
"newChain": true

List Consumer Chains

The consumer_chains endpoint queries consumer chains supported by the provider chain. An optional integer parameter can be passed for phase filtering of consumer chains, (Registered=1|Initialized=2|Launched=3|Stopped=4|Deleted=5).`

curl http://localhost:1317/interchain_security/ccv/provider/consumer_chains/3


"chains": [
"chainId": "pion-1",
"minPowerInTopN": "-1",
"metadata": {
"name": "pion-1",
"description":"description of your chain and all other relevant information",
"metadata": "some metadata about your chain"
"consumerId": "2"
"chainId": "dash-2",
"minPowerInTopN": "-1",
"metadata": {
"name": "dash-2",
"description":"description of your chain and all other relevant information",
"metadata": "some metadata about your chain"
"consumerId": "4"
"pagination": {
"total": "6"

Validator Consumer Key Assignment

The validator_consumer_addr endpoint queries the address assigned by a validator for a consumer chain.

curl http://localhost:1317/interchain_security/ccv/provider/validator_consumer_addr/0/cosmosvalcons1h7zs5nwruzvhyzkktvhwypfuxlch6nrrw4jjmj


"consumerAddress": "cosmosvalcons1kswr5sq599365kcjmhgufevfps9njf43e4lwdk"

Validator Provider Key

The validator_provider_addr endpoint queries the provider chain address given a consumer chain validator address.

curl http://localhost:1317/interchain_security/ccv/provider/validator_provider_addr/0/cosmosvalcons1kswr5sq599365kcjmhgufevfps9njf43e4lwdk


"providerAddress": "cosmosvalcons1h7zs5nwruzvhyzkktvhwypfuxlch6nrrw4jjmj"

Throttle State

The throttle_state queries the main on-chain state relevant to slash packet throttling.

curl http://localhost:1317/interchain_security/ccv/provider/throttle_state


"slashMeter": "15",
"slashMeterAllowance": "15",
"nextReplenishCandidate": "2024-09-26T14:27:38.066958Z"

Registered Consumer Reward Denoms

The registered_consumer_reward_denoms endpoint allows to query registered consumer reward denoms

curl http://localhost:1317/interchain_security/ccv/provider/registered_consumer_reward_denoms


"denoms": [

All Pairs Valconsensus Address

The address_pairs endpoint queries the list of pair valconsensus address between provider and consumer chain.

curl http://localhost:1317/interchain_security/ccv/provider/address_pairs/0


"pairValConAddr": [
"providerAddress": "cosmosvalcons1ezyrq65s3gshhx5585w6mpusq3xsj3ayzf4uv6",
"consumerAddress": "cosmosvalcons1kswr5sq599365kcjmhgufevfps9njf43e4lwdk",
"consumerKey": {
"ed25519": "Ui5Gf1+mtWUdH8u3xlmzdKID+F3PK0sfXZ73GZ6q6is="

Provider Parameters

The params endpoint queries all current values of provider parameters

curl http://localhost:1317/interchain_security/ccv/provider/params   


"params": {
"templateClient": {
"trustLevel": {
"numerator": "1",
"denominator": "3"
"trustingPeriod": "0s",
"unbondingPeriod": "0s",
"maxClockDrift": "10s",
"frozenHeight": {},
"latestHeight": {},
"proofSpecs": [
"leafSpec": {
"hash": "SHA256",
"prehashValue": "SHA256",
"length": "VAR_PROTO",
"prefix": "AA=="
"innerSpec": {
"childOrder": [
"childSize": 33,
"minPrefixLength": 4,
"maxPrefixLength": 12,
"hash": "SHA256"
"leafSpec": {
"hash": "SHA256",
"prehashValue": "SHA256",
"length": "VAR_PROTO",
"prefix": "AA=="
"innerSpec": {
"childOrder": [
"childSize": 32,
"minPrefixLength": 1,
"maxPrefixLength": 1,
"hash": "SHA256"
"upgradePath": [
"trustingPeriodFraction": "0.66",
"ccvTimeoutPeriod": "2419200s",
"slashMeterReplenishPeriod": "3600s",
"slashMeterReplenishFraction": "0.05",
"consumerRewardDenomRegistrationFee": {
"denom": "stake",
"amount": "10000000"
"blocksPerEpoch": "5",
"numberOfEpochsToStartReceivingRewards": "24",
"maxProviderConsensusValidators": "180"

Consumer Opted In Validators

The opted_in_validators endpoint queries opted-in validators for a given consumer chain

curl http://localhost:1317/interchain_security/ccv/provider/opted_in_validators/0


"validatorsProviderAddresses": [

Consumer Validators

The consumer_validators endpoint queries the latest set consumer-validator set for a given consumer ID Note that this does not necessarily mean that the consumer chain is using this validator set at this exact moment because a VSCPacket could be delayed to be delivered on the consumer chain.

curl http://localhost:1317/interchain_security/ccv/provider/consumer_validators/0


"validators": [
"providerAddress": "cosmosvalcons1znhu88l6dsvexunfem4u0392kwqyvdkrj66wph",
"consumerKey": {
"ed25519": "62d2CCgWXYZHmlsCon2lzVgnu9gfubep2XRPlZKuLAQ="
"rate": "0",
"consumerPower": "101",
"consumerCommissionRate": "100000000000000000",
"providerCommissionRate": "100000000000000000",
"description": {
"moniker": "bob"
"providerOperatorAddress": "cosmosvaloper1a7u5k6f54ua3tptl9yn6u82yrvayet6sxn9ywn",
"providerTokens": "101000000",
"providerPower": "101",
"validatesCurrentEpoch": true
"providerAddress": "cosmosvalcons1jnq3j55qe4f946qj8499w0tntxwz90atx26p4q",
"consumerKey": {
"ed25519": "+9BFckSNCI1o/+S85HLjG3pYp1FIzmfYWVKmUH2njxs="
"rate": "0",
"consumerPower": "100",
"consumerCommissionRate": "100000000000000000",
"providerCommissionRate": "100000000000000000",
"description": {
"moniker": "coordinator"
"providerOperatorAddress": "cosmosvaloper1jk2pp655zxy2gazhxj50s8jk3750y8np6wz4lm",
"providerTokens": "100000000",
"providerPower": "100",
"validatesCurrentEpoch": true
"providerAddress": "cosmosvalcons1h7zs5nwruzvhyzkktvhwypfuxlch6nrrw4jjmj",
"consumerKey": {
"ed25519": "Ui5Gf1+mtWUdH8u3xlmzdKID+F3PK0sfXZ73GZ6q6is="
"rate": "0",
"consumerPower": "100",
"consumerCommissionRate": "100000000000000000",
"providerCommissionRate": "100000000000000000",
"description": {
"moniker": "alice"
"providerOperatorAddress": "cosmosvaloper19vfen9jn3uk3e6rrkt3pxansunujnlm40wpdvg",
"providerTokens": "100000000",
"providerPower": "100",
"validatesCurrentEpoch": true

Has to Validate

The consumer_chains_per_validator endpoint queries a list of consumer chains that a given validator must validate.

curl http://localhost:1317/interchain_security/ccv/provider/consumer_chains_per_validator/cosmosvalcons1znhu88l6dsvexunfem4u0392kwqyvdkrj66wph


"consumerIds": [

Validator Consumer Commission Rate

The consumer_commission_rate endpoint queries the consumer commission rate a validator charges on a consumer chain.

curl http://localhost:1317/interchain_security/ccv/provider/consumer_commission_rate/0/cosmosvalcons1znhu88l6dsvexunfem4u0392kwqyvdkrj66wph


"rate": "0.100000000000000000"

Blocks Until Next Epoch

The blocks_until_next_epoch endpoint allows to query the number of blocks until the next epoch begins and validator updates are sent to consumer chains

curl http://localhost:1317/interchain_security/ccv/provider/blocks_until_next_epoch



Consumer Id From Client Id

The consumer_id endpoint allows to query the consumer id of the chain associated with the provided client id

curl http://localhost:1317/interchain_security/ccv/provider/consumer_id/07-tendermint-0



Consumer Chain

The consumer_chain endpoint allows to query the consumer chain associated with the consumer id.

curl http://localhost:1317/interchain_security/ccv/provider/consumer_chain/0


"consumerId": "0",
"chainId": "pion-1",
"ownerAddress": "cosmos10d07y265gmmuvt4z0w9aw880jnsr700j6zn9kn",
"metadata": {
"name": "description of your chain and all other relevant information",
"description": "some metadata about your chain",
"metadata": "pion-1"
"initParams": {
"initialHeight": {
"revisionHeight": "1"
"genesisHash": "2D5C2110941DA54BE07CBB9FACD7E4A2E3253E79BE7BE3E5A1A7BDA518BAA4BE",
"binaryHash": "2D5C2110941DA54BE07CBB9FACD7E4A2E3253E79BE7BE3E5A1A7BDA518BAA4BE",
"spawnTime": "2023-03-11T17:02:14.718477Z",
"unbondingPeriod": "2419200s",
"ccvTimeoutPeriod": "2419200s",
"transferTimeoutPeriod": "3600s",
"consumerRedistributionFraction": "0.75",
"blocksPerDistributionTransmission": "1500",
"historicalEntries": "1000"
"powerShapingParams": {
"topN": 100,
"validatorSetCap": 50,
"minStake": "1000",
"allowInactiveVals": true