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Version: v4.5.0

ADR 001: Key Assignment


  • 2022-12-01: Initial Draft
  • 2024-03-01: Updated to take into account they key-assigment-replacement deprecation.




KeyAssignment is the name of the feature that allows validator operators to use different consensus keys for each consumer chain validator node that they operate.


It is possible to change the keys at any time by submitting a transaction (i.e., MsgAssignConsumerKey).

State required

  • ValidatorConsumerPubKey - Stores the validator assigned keys for every consumer chain.
ConsumerValidatorsBytePrefix | len(chainID) | chainID | providerConsAddress -> consumerKey
  • ValidatorByConsumerAddr - Stores the mapping from validator addresses on consumer chains to validator addresses on the provider chain. Needed for the consumer initiated slashing sub-protocol.
ValidatorsByConsumerAddrBytePrefix | len(chainID) | chainID | consumerConsAddress -> providerConsAddress
  • ConsumerAddrsToPrune - Stores the mapping from VSC ids to consumer validators addresses. Needed for pruning ValidatorByConsumerAddr.
ConsumerAddrsToPruneBytePrefix | len(chainID) | chainID | vscID -> []consumerConsAddresses

Protocol overview

On receiving a MsgAssignConsumerKey(chainID, providerAddr, consumerKey) message:

// get validator from staking module  
validator, found := stakingKeeper.GetValidator(providerAddr)
if !found {
return ErrNoValidatorFound
providerConsAddr := validator.GetConsAddr()

// make sure consumer key is not in use
consumerAddr := utils.TMCryptoPublicKeyToConsAddr(consumerKey)
if _, found := GetValidatorByConsumerAddr(ChainID, consumerAddr); found {
return ErrInvalidConsumerConsensusPubKey

// check whether the consumer chain is already registered
// i.e., a client to the consumer was already created
if _, consumerRegistered := GetConsumerClientId(chainID); consumerRegistered {
// get the previous key assigned for this validator on this consumer chain
oldConsumerKey, found := GetValidatorConsumerPubKey(chainID, providerConsAddr)
if found {
// mark this old consumer key as prunable once the VSCMaturedPacket
// for the current VSC ID is received
oldConsumerAddr := utils.TMCryptoPublicKeyToConsAddr(oldConsumerKey)
vscID := GetValidatorSetUpdateId()
AppendConsumerAddrsToPrune(chainID, vscID, oldConsumerAddr)
} else {
// if the consumer chain is not registered, then remove the previous reverse mapping
if oldConsumerKey, found := GetValidatorConsumerPubKey(chainID, providerConsAddr); found {
oldConsumerAddr := utils.TMCryptoPublicKeyToConsAddr(oldConsumerKey)
DeleteValidatorByConsumerAddr(chainID, oldConsumerAddr)

// set the mapping from this validator's provider address to the new consumer key
SetValidatorConsumerPubKey(chainID, providerConsAddr, consumerKey)

// set the reverse mapping: from this validator's new consensus address
// on the consumer to its consensus address on the provider
SetValidatorByConsumerAddr(chainID, consumerAddr, providerConsAddr)

When a new consumer chain is registered, i.e., a client to the consumer chain is created, the provider constructs the consumer CCV module part of the genesis state (see MakeConsumerGenesis).

func (k Keeper) MakeConsumerGenesis(chainID string) (gen consumertypes.GenesisState, nextValidatorsHash []byte, err error) {
// ...
// get initial valset from the staking module
var updates []abci.ValidatorUpdate{}
stakingKeeper.IterateLastValidatorPowers(func(providerAddr sdk.ValAddress, power int64) (stop bool) {
validator := stakingKeeper.GetValidator(providerAddr)
providerKey := validator.TmConsPublicKey()
updates = append(updates, abci.ValidatorUpdate{PubKey: providerKey, Power: power})
return false

// applies the key assignment to the initial validator
for i, update := range updates {
providerAddr := utils.TMCryptoPublicKeyToConsAddr(update.PubKey)
if consumerKey, found := GetValidatorConsumerPubKey(chainID, providerAddr); found {
updates[i].PubKey = consumerKey
gen.InitialValSet = updates

// get a hash of the consumer validator set from the update
updatesAsValSet := tendermint.PB2TM.ValidatorUpdates(updates)
hash := tendermint.NewValidatorSet(updatesAsValSet).Hash()

return gen, hash, nil

Note that key assignment works hand-in-hand with epochs. For each consumer chain, we store the consumer validator set that is currently (i.e., in this epoch) validating the consumer chain. Specifically, for each validator in the set we store among others, the public key that it is using on the consumer chain during the current (i.e., ongoing) epoch. At the end of every epoch, if there were validator set changes on the provider, then for every consumer chain, we construct a VSCPacket with all the validator updates and add it to the list of PendingVSCPackets. We compute the validator updates needed by a consumer chain by comparing the stored list of consumer validators with the current bonded validators on the provider, with something similar to this:

// get the valset that has been validating the consumer chain during this epoch 
currentValidators := GetConsumerValSet(consumerChain)
// generate the validator updates needed to be sent through a `VSCPacket` by comparing the current validators
// in the epoch with the latest bonded validators
valUpdates := DiffValidators(currentValidators, stakingmodule.GetBondedValidators())
// update the current validators set for the upcoming epoch to be the latest bonded validators instead

where DiffValidators internally checks if the consumer public key for a validator has changed since the last epoch and if so generates a validator update. This way, a validator can change its consumer public key for a consumer chain an arbitrary amount of times and only the last set consumer public key would be taken into account.

On receiving a SlashPacket from a consumer chain with id chainID for a infraction of a validator data.Validator:

func HandleSlashPacket(chainID string, data ccv.SlashPacketData) (success bool, err error) {
// ...
// the slash packet validator address may be known only on the consumer chain;
// in this case, it must be mapped back to the consensus address on the provider chain
consumerAddr := sdk.ConsAddress(data.Validator.Address)
providerAddr, found := GetValidatorByConsumerAddr(chainID, consumerAddr)
if !found {
// the validator has the same key on the consumer as on the provider
providerAddr = consumerAddr
// ...

On receiving a VSCMatured:

func OnRecvVSCMaturedPacket(packet channeltypes.Packet, data ccv.VSCMaturedPacketData) exported.Acknowledgement {
// ...
// prune previous consumer validator address that are no longer needed
consumerAddrs := GetConsumerAddrsToPrune(chainID, data.ValsetUpdateId)
for _, addr := range consumerAddrs {
DeleteValidatorByConsumerAddr(chainID, addr)
DeleteConsumerAddrsToPrune(chainID, data.ValsetUpdateId)
// ...

On stopping a consumer chain:

func (k Keeper) StopConsumerChain(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string, closeChan bool) (err error) {
// ...
// deletes all the state needed for key assignments on this consumer chain
// ...



  • Validators can use different consensus keys on the consumer chains.


  • None


  • The consensus state necessary to create a client to the consumer chain must use the hash returned by the MakeConsumerGenesis method as the nextValsHash.
  • The consumer chain can no longer check the initial validator set against the consensus state on InitGenesis.
