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Version: v4.5.0

ADR 012: Separate Releasing


  • 0.0202020202020202: Initial draft of idea in #801
  • 0.01652892561983471: Put idea in this ADR
  • 0.05: Reject this ADR




Spike results

I explored the idea of #801 with this spike branch. Here's my conclusions:

Splitting this repo to have multiple go.mods is possible. However there are various intricacies involved in decoupling the package hierarchy to have x/ccv/types as the lowest level dep, with x/ccv/consumer and x/ccv/provider being one dep layer above, with high-level tests depending on all three of the mentioned packages. I'd estimate this decoupling would take 2-5 workdays to finish, and require significant review effort.

Why go.mod split is not the way to go

Let's take a step back and remember the issue we're trying to solve - We need a clean way to decouple semver/releasing for the consumer and provider modules. After more consideration, splitting up go.mods gives us little benefit in achieving this. Reasons:

  • The go.mod dependency system is tied to git tags for the entire repo (ex: require v0.37.2 refers to a historical tag for the entire cometbft repo).
  • It'd be an odd dev experience to allow modules to reference past releases of other modules in the same repo. When would we ever want the consumer module to reference a past release of the types module for example?
  • If we allow for go.mod replace statements to build from local source code, why split up the package deps at all?
  • Splitting go.mods adds a bunch of complexity with files and all that shiz. VSCode does not play well with multiple module repos either.

Why separate repos is cool but also not the way to go

All this considered, the cleanest solution to decoupling semver/releasing for the consumer and provider modules would be to have multiple repos, each with their own go.mod (3-4 repos total including high level tests). With this scheme we could separately tag each repo as changes are merged, they could share some code from types being an external dep, etc.

I don't think any of us want to split up the monorepo, that's a lot of work and seems like bikeshedding. There's another solution that's very simple..


Slightly adapting the current semver ruleset:

  • A library API breaking change to EITHER the provider or consumer module will result in an increase of the MAJOR version number for BOTH modules (X.y.z-provider AND X.y.z-consumer).
  • A state breaking change (change requiring coordinated upgrade and/or state migration) will result in an increase of the MINOR version number for the AFFECTED module(s) (x.Y.z-provider AND/OR x.Y.z-consumer).
  • Any other changes (including node API breaking changes) will result in an increase of the PATCH version number for the AFFECTED module(s) (x.y.Z-provider AND/OR x.y.Z-consumer).

Example release flow

We upgrade main to use a new version of SDK. This is a major version bump, triggering a new release for both the provider and consumer modules, v5.0.0-provider and v5.0.0-consumer.

  • A state breaking change is merged to main for the provider module. We release only a v5.1.0-provider off main.
  • Another state breaking change is merged to main for the provider module. We release only a v5.2.0-provider off main.
  • At this point, the latest consumer version is still v5.0.0-consumer. We now merge a state breaking change for the consumer module to main, and consequently release v5.1.0-consumer. Note that v5.1.0-consumer is tagged off a LATER commit from main than v5.2.0-provider. This is fine, as the consumer module should not be affected by the provider module's state breaking changes.
  • Once either module sees a library API breaking change, we bump the major version for both modules. For example, we merge a library API breaking change to main for the provider module. We release v6.0.0-provider and v6.0.0-consumer off main. Note that most often, a library API breaking change will affect both modules simultaneously (example being bumping sdk version).



  • Consumer repos have clear communication of what tagged versions are relevant to them. Consumer devs should know to never reference an ICS version that starts with provider, even if it'd technically build.
  • Consumer and provider modules do not deviate as long as we continually release off a shared main branch. Backporting remains relatively unchanged besides being explicit about what module(s) your changes should affect.
  • No code changes, just changes in process. Very simple.


  • ~~Slightly more complexity.~~Considerably more complex to manage the ICS library. This is because ICS needs to support multiple versions of SDK (e.g., 0.45, 0.47, 0.50). In addition, ICS needs to support a special fork of SDK (with LSM included) for the Cosmos Hub. This means that instead of focusing on main the development team needs to manage multiple release branches with different dependency trees.
  • This solution does not allow having provider and consumer on separate versions of e.g. the Cosmos SDK.



Are there any relevant PR comments, issues that led up to this, or articles referenced for why we made the given design choice? If so link them here!