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Changeover Procedure

Chains that were not initially launched as consumers of Interchain Security can still participate in the protocol and leverage the economic security of the provider chain. The process where a standalone chain transitions to being a consumer chain is called the changeover procedure and is part of the Interchain Security protocol. After the changeover, the new consumer chain will retain all existing state, including the IBC clients, connections and channels already established by the chain.

In a nutshell, to become an ICS consumer chain, a standalone chain needs to add the x/ccv/consumer module (via a coordinated upgrade) and to transfer validation responsibilities to the provider validators as stated in consumer_genesis.json.

The relevant protocol specifications are available below:

Consumers on ICS Version v6.4.0+

For chains that are using ICS v6.4.0 or newer, the standalone to consumer changeover consists of the following steps.

1. Create a new consumer chain on the provider

Submit a MsgCreateConsumer message to the provider chain. This is a "normal" MsgCreateConsumer message as described in the onboarding checklist, but with the following important notes.

  • chain_id MUST be equal to the standalone chain id.

  • The consumer initialization parameters (i.e., initialization_parameters) must be adapted for the changeover procedure:

    • initial_height is not used as the provider uses an existing client of the standalone chain..
    • spawn_time is the time on the provider when the consumer module genesis state is being generated, which means that at this time the provide creates the initial validator set that will validate the standalone chain once it becomes a consumer chain. Consequently, spawn_time MUST occur before the standalone chain is upgraded and the consumer module is added as the upgrade requires the consumer module genesis state.
    • unbonding_period MUST correspond to the value used on the standalone chain.
    • distribution_transmission_channel SHOULD be set to the canonical IBC token transfer channel between the provider and the standalone chain. This will preserve the ibc denom that may already be in use.
    • connection_id MUST be set to the ID of the connection end on the provider chain on top of which the canonical IBC token transfer channel was created.

2. Add consumer module to standalone chain

The standalone chain MUST go through an upgrade to include the x/ccv/consumer module. Note that adding the x/ccv/consumer module requires the consumer module genesis state which is created by the provider at spawn_time. Consequently, the spawn_time MUST occur before this upgrade.

Note that the consumer module genesis state can be obtained from the provider using the consumer genesis query, i.e.,

interchain-security-pd query provider consumer-genesis [consumer-id] [flags]

The consumer genesis state must be exported to a file and placed in the correct folder on the standalone chain before the upgrade. The file must be placed at the exact specified location, otherwise the upgrade will not be executed correctly. Usually the file is placed in $NODE_HOME/config, but the file name and the exact directory is dictated by the upgrade code on the standalone chain.

After the consumer_genesis.json file has been made available, the process is equivalent to a normal on-chain upgrade. The standalone validator set will sign the next couple of blocks before transferring control to the initial ICS validator set.

Once upgraded, the x/ccv/consumer module will act as the "staking module" for the consumer chain, i.e., it will provide the validator set to the consensus engine. For staking a native token (e.g., for governance), the x/ccv/democracy/staking module allows the cosmos-sdk x/staking module to be used alongside the x/ccv/consumer module. For more details, check out the democracy modules.

Consumers on ICS Version < v6.4.0

Chains that are using older version of ICS (i.e., < v6.4.0), must "force" the provider to create a new client of the standalone chain (on top of which the CCV channel will be created). This is because older versions of the consumer module expects both a client state and a consensus state in order to create a new provider client. Therefore, when creating a new consumer chain on the provider, the following changes are necessary in the consumer initialization parameters:

  • connection_id MUST be set to an empty string (i.e., ""). As a result, the provider will create a new client of the consumer chain and a new connection on top of it.
  • initial_height will be used by the provider when creating the new consumer client, so it MUST be set according to the following rules:
    "initial_height" : {
    // must correspond to current revision number of standalone chain
    // e.g. stride-1 => "revision_number": 1
    "revision_number": 1,

    // must correspond to a height that is at least 1 block after the upgrade
    // that will add the `consumer` module to the standalone chain
    // e.g. "upgrade_height": 100 => "revision_height": 101
    "revision_height": 101,

Adapt the consumer module genesis state

Before the upgrade of the standalone chain (i.e., adding the x/ccv/consumer module), the consumer module genesis state created by the provider at spawn_time must be adapted to older versions of the consumer module. This consists of two changes.

First, by setting connection_id in the consumer initialization parameters to an empty string, the provider will set the preCCV flag in the ConsumerGenesisState struct to false. This must be changed to true in order to trigger the changeover procedure logic on the x/ccv/consumer module.

Second, the connection_id field of ConsumerGenesisState must be removed to enable older versions of the consumer module to unmarshal the consumer module genesis state obtained from the provider. This can be done using the interchain-security-cd genesis transform CLI command.